Monday, April 04, 2011

Pet Loss Grief Support; Brent Atwater's AMIDI Animal Readings- Following Animal Energy after Pet Loss over the Rainbow Bridge into RE-life through Reincarnation

Following Animal Energy after Pet Loss over the Rainbow Bridge into RE-life through Animal Reincarnation with AMIDI Animal Readings

Pet loss does not have to be devastating and permanently agonizing. Pet Animal reincarnation provides a new spiritual and factual perspective for pet loss grief support. As a new resource for pet loss grief support, animal reincarnation focuses on the prospect of RE-life that inspires hope!

Every living being has a specific vibrational frequency. Every organ in the body has an individual frequency. In a healthy condition the human body resonates between 68 to 72 MHz. Animal’s have a lower frequency range. Both types of beings can be “sensed” by an intuitive that has the ability and training to read multiple band width frequencies within physical bodies. Most intuitive practitioners specialize in humans or animals because of their familiarity with that specific species energy field.

Tracking, following or charting your animal’s energy field from his current physical state whether healthy or deceased is the process that allows a reader to determine if an animal’s energy blueprint can be found in the future. This is the determining factor in knowing if your pet will reincarnate.

First a practitioner must locate an animal’s current energy field, whether on earth or on the other side.

If the pet is alive and preparing for transition, tapping into their energy field is relatively easy. Always be sure to ask the pet’s soul for permission to access and read their energy field.

If the animal is deceased, it is still best to ask to interface with the living energy that is now without a physical form, in order to maintain the integrity of a clean assessment. Once the reader has obtained permission, they should proceed to following the animal’s energy track.

Many pet psychics and mediums rely on intuitive insight and the animal communication exchange rather than following an animal’s energy into the future. Other animal and interspecies communicators also rely on their sensory information to provide details of reincarnation.

The most reliable form of knowledge is provided by actually watching an animals’ life force energy field morph from their current physical form up to and through their physical body’s transition and into the future, a process used by all AMIDI professionals. If the animal’s energy tracks into a future physical form then reincarnation will occur within the timeframe viewed by the AMIDI practitioner. Even if a living soul enters their reincarnation through the actual birth process, the AMIDI animal reading can also identify and discern their energy field within its future Mother’s womb and follow that spirit into its earth form.

If future energy is not discernable within the timeline the reader is using, most likely that the animal is not going to reincarnate. Setting the timeline you want to examine is imperative to receive correct information. Once the new reincarnated body is identified, it is easy for the AMIDI energy reader to describe what that new physical being looks like and lots of the specific identifying characteristics of its new body.

The principle of animal reincarnation has been a belief system since ancient Egyptian, Hindu and Buddhist philosophies in 3000 BC. The “new” Pet Loss grief support perspective and the AMIDI readings that track and document pet reincarnation have come a long way.
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Pioneer and Founder AMIDI
Animal intuitive diagnosis
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