There is a technique for everything, including prayers. Although emanating from your heart and soul, prayers can be refined to produce better results through the following suggestions on how to verbalize your prayer requests.
1. Be SPECIFIC, YOU MUST BE SPECIFIC! Being specific lets Heaven know exactly what you are requesting. It's not God / the Universe/ or your Higher Power's job to guess what you are trying to communicate. If you want a dog, specify border collie, or yellow laborador retriever, otherwise don't be disappointed when you receive a non descript Heinz 57 "dog." If you want to be physically , emotionally, or mentally healed from Cancer, depression, an intecessory prayer request for healing helps faciltate your healing hourney.
2. Use "I ASK": “ask and ye shall receive." Sometimes when we communicate that we want a specific request or result answered, we are really general, sorta "ho hum" about the intention. The Bible states "ask and ye shall receive". Using the term "I ask" gets God/ the Universe/ your Higher Power's attention that you are serious about your request, and not just having a hopeful conversation with yourself.
3. “IT IS MY INTENT.” That phrase brings your prayers into the NOW, at this very moment in time. When you state that it is your intention, intention is never never land, with no end or beginning, just "out there" somewhere in time. Do you want results in this lifetime or incarnation? Then set your intent, with a "t" to produce immedicate results, not intend with a "d" for never never land time.
4. Repeat the prayer 3 times, 3 is the universal number. This creates emphasis and focus! You may choose to say it only once, I prefer emphasis if it really means that much to me.
5. At the end of your prayer request, end it with "Now, Forevermore, and Always." "Now”, brings the prayer into the present timeframe. “Forevermore” takes the prayer into all of time so your answer can come from "all there is in all of time". “Always” makes the prayer results continuous, and not just a quick fix. Your free will choice can choose the length of the results after they have occurred.
6. Then add, "So be it, it is done. Thank you." “So be it” brings your prayer into the present life situation instantly. “It is done” manifests that your prayer IS reality! Adding "thank you" reflects your grattitude for any and all help.
7. Prayer Confirmations: If you are asking for a prayer confirmation, or to be shown something, ASK for a specific timeframe and for a specific number of confirmations within that timeframe. I suggest 3 confirmations within 24, 48 or 72 hours, or choose a specific timeframe. Ask that you be able to see, recognize, interpret and understand the confirmation sent to you from your Higher Power and Guides. What God/ the Universe/ your Higher Power, may feel is really obvious, may not, at this point be understandable by you.
8. If you do NOT get any confirmations, then KNOW that it may not be the time for you to have an answer. Try again later and specifically ask in another way. I always try 3 times. Sometimes no answer is THE current answer.
What does this mean? It means the God/ the Universe/ your Higher Power needs a little more time in processing and lining up the myriad number of details for your answer. The Universe doesn’t respond with a half-baked answer.
Try these how to pray suggestions and realize the power of YOUR prayers.
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Contact information:
Brent Atwater
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Southern Pines, NC 28388
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